Tag: Hot Games

Feel very justified in excessive xenocide with Rogue Invader
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Feel very justified in excessive xenocide with Rogue Invader

These aliens are huge morons and I don't feel bad that they're dead now. Rogue Invader is a roguelike shooter mimicking old school black and white games, but it's still a new wave side-scrolling roguelite shooter, and it's finally out. Released on December 15 of last year, Rogue Invader's launch went unnoticed by many, including me. There's only one reusable drop pod and it can only fit one person, so you have to invade the alien world one soldier at a time. (We lost all the supply ships, apparently.) It may sound mean, or evil, but the aliens started it and their king is a huge, huge jerk. Seriously, King Zeno hassles you all the time and I hate him. Each round, your unique soldier collects more supplies and explores more levels, both static and procedural, to find equipment to t...
GTA 6 is confirmed: According to Rockstar, development is underway
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GTA 6 is confirmed: According to Rockstar, development is underway

Great events are looming on the horizon. Rockstar officially confirms a new installment of Grand Theft Auto for the first time. This is what many gamers have been waiting for: for the first time, developer Rockstar has announced that active development of GTA 6 is underway. So it's now officially confirmed that the popular series will continue, albeit after a relatively long hiatus. GTA Online is also continuing. The multiplayer game will get a few new features as part of the NextGen update for PC, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5. Which ones? You will find it here: GTA 5 and Online are getting better: All info on PC and NextGen updates Announcement almost in footnote Rockstar casually dropped the mobster's cat at the end of a long (Blogpost). It can be read verbatim: Give...
Feel very justified in excessive xenocide with Rogue Invader
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Syberia: The World Before – Two decades, one story

Independent publisher Microids announced tonight that Syberia: The World Before will be released in March on PC. A console release will follow later this year. Two destinies are intertwined by the unfolding of the story. A time lag of almost 70 years tells the story of two women. On the one hand, it is 17-year-old Dana Roze, who lives in 1937 in the fictional state of Vaghen. In fact, she wishes to establish herself as a star pianist, but the brown shadow extends to Europe. World War II is imminent.The second protagonist of Syberia: The World Before is Kate Walker, who lives in 2004. She is a forced laborer in a salt mine located in the taiga. In a moment of great tragedy, an opportunity opens up for Kate to go in search of her identity. In the game, we immerse ourselves in ...
No respite for Battlefield 2042 – Management reviews and new content postponement
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No respite for Battlefield 2042 – Management reviews and new content postponement

The bad news about EA's Battlefield 2042 doesn't end there. We now learn that season 1 of the multiplayer shooter will probably not be released before the summer, more than six months after the planned release in November 2021. Will the game be able to stay afloat for that long, despite the decrease in the number of players? Technical destruction and disgruntled players As soon as the shooter launched, a barrage of criticism fell on the poor state and bugs of the game on all platforms. Fundamental gameplay decisions were also questioned and the lack of content was criticized. Dice gradually remedied the situation with a few patches, but that apparently didn't help much. Meanwhile, there are even more active players online in older Battlefield games than in the current 2042. For...
Feel very justified in excessive xenocide with Rogue Invader
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CoD: Warzone – Ricochet anti-cheat does not crack down on hackers

Cheating and hacking have reached a new high in CoD : Warzone. Players are particularly annoyed by this phenomenon.Hackers and cheaters abound in Call of Duty: Warzone. The Ricochet anti-cheat system, integrated with the new Vanguard title, should in principle stem the problem. However, Warzone lobbies always seem to be filled with cheaters, which has a particularly negative effect on players. Although the new Ricochet anti-cheat system was introduced at the end of 2021, the problem of cheating seems to have reached new heights with the first season of Warzone. Players are complaining on Reddit that there is now at least one cheater in every lobby. In particular, they wonder if the anti-cheat system is really activated. ☻ The extreme number of hackers makes it impossible for C...
Feel very justified in excessive xenocide with Rogue Invader
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Paraplegic and yet a Dota player – This man is an inspiration

The story of Marc Werner is touching – but above all, it gives courage. But how does he manage to play Dota with his head?Paraplegic and yet a Dota player – This man is an inspiration.The story of Marc Werner is touching – but above all, it gives courage. But how does he manage to play Dota with his head?While trying to kitesurf, he hit a house and broke three cervical vertebrae. This resulted in a two-week coma, a long stay in the hospital and severe paralysis of the body. Yet, nearly 14 years after this twist of fate, his journey is inspiring. In an interview for the official Dota Channel during TI 2021, he explained, “Your family is incredibly sorry for you in your situation – and you want to change that because you are the cause of it. And then I wanted to be strong – for the...
Feel very justified in excessive xenocide with Rogue Invader
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Battlefield 2042 ‘didn’t live up to expectations’, but EA won’t give up

During an investor conference, publisher EA admitted to being disappointed with Battlefield 2042. But they don't want to give up on the shooter. This is probably the first time that EA has commented critically on the release of Battlefield 2042. At yesterday's investor conference, the company looked back on a supposedly very successful third quarter of 2021, but it also dedicated a few words to the shooter that suffers from the loss of players. EA reaffirmed its intention to continue developing the shooter. Previously, it was also announced that the first season of Battlefield 2042 would be delayed to early summer: Battlefield 2042: The Free2Play emergency solution will not be enough What EA says about Battlefield 2042 CEO Andrew Wilson has taken a stand on the success or failu...
Feel very justified in excessive xenocide with Rogue Invader
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CS:GO – A daring spawn bug on Mirage!

The new CS:GO update promises, apart from minor changes, a fix for the spawn issue in competitive mode. We show you the cheeky feat! Anyone who likes to play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in competitive mode (matchmaking) may have recently had this curious encounter: We start the first round of the match and, after a few seconds, we find ourselves facing an opponent who was able to take up much more space than he should have. There must be a problem! And in fact. This is a spawn bug that has been exploited in many matchmaking games recently. Here are two examples of this spawn bug: The spawn bug was encountered by our CS:GO expert Kai himself on the de_mirage map. At the start of the round, an opposing player disconnected from the server, then re-entered the game shortly...
It’s finally moving forward – new competition for Elgato, Helicon and Co.
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It’s finally moving forward – new competition for Elgato, Helicon and Co.

Competition for Elgato and Co! This post is not sponsored, but only reports on the launch of the new BEACN products and suitable backgrounds. If you are only interested in the new hardware, then click here to skip the article until then. The streaming gear market is growing and growing. In many areas, the current top dogs dare little or nothing. Nevertheless, new products come onto the market regularly, which are either supposed to be very innovative or simply offer better quality than products that are already available. We don't yet know what to think of the Elagato foot pedal. From a technical point of view, this is nothing special, maybe better processed. But above all is the integration into the "Elegato-Verse". Most manufacturers now also have a camera in their range, bu...
The Life is Strange Remastered Collection is available now
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The Life is Strange Remastered Collection is available now

Square Enix is ​​releasing today with the Life is Strange: Remastered Collection a collection of improved versions of the first two games in the award-winning adventure series. Players can experience the popular protagonists Max and Chloe on Google Stadia, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC with updated character models, improved motion capture technology and more features. Jon Brooke, Co-Head of Studio at Square Enix External Studios, said: "First of all, I would like to give credit to DONTNOD for creating the first Life is Strange game and to Deck Nine Games for the emotional performance of the popular characters have improved. The result of the hard work of both teams is the Life is Strange: Remastered Collection, which will be the start of an exciting and emotional journey for many n...