It’s finally moving forward – new competition for Elgato, Helicon and Co.

Competition for Elgato and Co!

This post is not sponsored, but only reports on the launch of the new BEACN products and suitable backgrounds. If you are only interested in the new hardware, then click here to skip the article until then.

The streaming gear market is growing and growing. In many areas, the current top dogs dare little or nothing. Nevertheless, new products come onto the market regularly, which are either supposed to be very innovative or simply offer better quality than products that are already available. We don’t yet know what to think of the Elagato foot pedal. From a technical point of view, this is nothing special, maybe better processed. But above all is the integration into the “Elegato-Verse”.

Most manufacturers now also have a camera in their range, but there is hardly anything innovative here. But it’s good manners for the “How to become a content creator” youtuber to hype every product, especially from the big top dog, into the sky.

However, another manufacturer currently dominates the audio market for streamers. Most don’t even know it by name! But Helicon’s product: GoXLR! Yes, this piece of hardware was mega innovative! An all-round carefree package for streamers when it comes to audio! XLR Mike on it, clean routing of all sounds that are sent into this device and much more. The mechanical-electric sliders, a dream! With a click, they go back to preset, at least with the “bargain” device GoXLR for €380. You can’t do that with your little brother!

Let’s also mention Avermedia’s half-fail with the NEXUS. Nice idea: We mix the mixer with a stream deck. Bad software, preamp too weak for the mike – set 6!

I just mentioned the great routing of the GoXLR. BUT: only for sounds that go into the device! Nice, but is it nice enough? Personally, I currently run my sound routing using a legion of software! Voicemeeter Potato, Virtual Audio Cables, Pedalboard, and and and. It works, but is less nice to use than a piece of hardware. Now you can start experimenting with MIDI devices, but streamers don’t really want that at all. “One pour” is the motto! And everything should be compatible. Helicon doesn’t make this possible, but former Helicon employees are now doing just that!

The products

The new company BEACN is set to turn the audio market for streamers inside out. Three new products were launched yesterday. The BEACN Mic, BEACN Mix and BEACN Mix Create!

The new BEACN Mic
The dynamic microphone is available in white and black!

Let’s start with Mike. Of course, I can only report to you at the moment what BEACN itself writes about it and what mainly US Youtubers think about these devices! The Mike itself is a dynamic microphone and is connected via USB C. So far so little innovative! Or? We’re talking about audio professionals and they’ve decided not to use XLR, but to go via USB. There’s a good reason here. EQ, compressor, noise gate, expander are integrated into the mike. Everything the audio heart desires, so that your audience hears you from the voice of your best side!

Detail picture microphone
The built-in sound processor delivers a clear and improved sound even before it is imported into the PC, all other important VST plugins are replaced by hardware here! The RGB ring can be “only” style, but also show information about the microphone status.

But more important is: The integrated sound processor processes all this in less than 5ms and therefore offers you delay-free monitoring! Incidentally, your computer is not additionally burdened with the audio calculation. The RGB ring on the Mike is just a nice feature that doesn’t need a pig. But, of course, you can also set the color to change depending on the situation. And now imagine you are MUTE and you finally know because your Mike has a red ring. BAM.

The BEACN MIX and the MIX Create are also available in white and black

The other highlight is the BEACN Mix Create. The difference with the GoXLR is, here is basically a Controller connected to the PC. This in turn can then control ANY audio source on your computer. You can set all this very easily and intuitively. Everything is shown to you on an LCD display, including pushable rotary knobs and a configurable separate mute button. The routing works quite easy and everything is poured into one software. Many functions have already been implemented, so you have learned from other providers and some have even been improved. It is also important: The BEACN Mic, if you also use it, fits perfectly into the software. Is this starting a new “Periphery-Verse”? The entire software and the products appear to have been “deliberately developed”. First of all: I hope to be able to present the devices and their functions to you soon!

The BEACN MIX Create fits perfectly into your setup. In addition to the rotary knobs, which also function as a mute button, the Create has additional mute buttons that can be assigned additional functions. You can also switch through the displayed audio sources here!

The smaller device, the BEACN Mix (without Create) is a handy and easy-to-use control panel for audio devices on your computer. But then nothing more. At the moment I’d rather go for the big brother, because the added value in terms of functions is really worth the added value in terms of price!

How much is all this going to cost? In short: The BEACN Mic is currently available on the manufacturer’s website for €252.95 over the virtual counter. The BEACN Mix Create costs €180.95 and its little brother, the BEACN Mix, costs €134.95. You see, the difference is 50€ between Beacon Mix and Create. According to the current status, the surcharge is definitely worth it. (note: as long as the manufacturer only ships from Canada and does not maintain a warehouse in Europe, import sales tax and customs duties may apply)

As soon as we have received more information about the devices or can possibly test the devices ourselves, we will of course report more immediately.

And rest assured: we have the streaming gear market in mind! With the products from BEACN, something “new” has finally appeared again. In reality, not all GoXLR users will switch, but a new group can finally conveniently route and control their Windows sounds. And that with existing USB Mikes, or with the new one from BEACN. By the way, here it goes directly BEACN

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