CoD: Warzone – Ricochet anti-cheat does not crack down on hackers

Cheating and hacking have reached a new high in CoD : Warzone. Players are particularly annoyed by this phenomenon.
Hackers and cheaters abound in Call of Duty: Warzone. The Ricochet anti-cheat system, integrated with the new Vanguard title, should in principle stem the problem. However, Warzone lobbies always seem to be filled with cheaters, which has a particularly negative effect on players.

Although the new Ricochet anti-cheat system was introduced at the end of 2021, the problem of cheating seems to have reached new heights with the first season of Warzone. Players are complaining on Reddit that there is now at least one cheater in every lobby. In particular, they wonder if the anti-cheat system is really activated.

The extreme number of hackers makes it impossible for CoD players to play Caldera and Rebirth Island. It seems that a free weekend offer on a cheat site is behind this sudden hacker boom. Due to their massive numbers, the anti-cheat system might also struggle to keep up. Nevertheless, this new influx of cheaters has something to offend the minds of fair play players.

Some cheating victims are so annoyed by this hacking problem that they are hoping for massive changes to Warzone 2. CoD players on Reddit want Warzone 2 not to be available for free, to make it harder to access much of the pirates. After all, Call of Duty: Warzone is free to play and therefore offers no obstacles for cheaters to quickly create a new account. Valve did the same last year for CS:GO, to stem the influx of cheaters with a paid barrier.

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