Motorola was the company that grew the most in January in Brazil; see the top 10

A Motorola closed the month of January showing the highest growth among the main smartphone manufacturers in Brazil. According to the StatCounter, a site specialized in market share analysis, the company closed the month with a total share of 23% of all legal smartphone sales in the country. In contrast, the biggest drop was represented by Apple, now with 14.11% of the Brazilian market.

Motorola is the fastest growing company in January 2022

The smartphone market in Brazil is already consolidated by large companies in the field, and Motorola is one of them. It is no longer of today that the company occupies the second place in the ranking of the main cell phone manufacturers in activity in Brazil, behind only Samsung.

During the month of January 2022, the company reached the percentage of 22,95%, the highest growth among the main companies in the market, since last month the manufacturer had registered 21.39%.

The Moto G200, Motorola's new top of the line, is the company's big announcement in recent times.  (Credit: Oficina da Net; Photographer: Nicolas Muller)
The Moto G200, Motorola’s new top of the line, is the company’s big announcement in recent times. (Credit: Oficina da Net; Photographer: Nicolas Muller)

We cannot say whether there has been a stupendous increase in the number of Motorola cell phones sold or whether the growth is due to the decline of its competitors. To know this information, it is necessary to wait at least for the closing of the quarterly report carried out by the company in mid-April or May.

Samsung remains the leader and Apple has a fall

To close the top 3 of the main companies in the country, we can talk about Samsung — absolute leader in Tupiniquin lands for a few years. The South Korean giant showed a slight drop when compared to last December’s result, falling from 42.77% to 41,98% in January.

However, it was Apple which showed a greater drop in relation to its competitors during the analyzed period. The Cupertino giant obtained 15.08% of all cell phone sales in Brazil, but fell to 14,11% — nearly 1% less.

Of course, for now, the drops of Samsung and Apple are nothing to worry about. The companies have already established themselves as the main companies in the sector in activity in the country and still have a good advantage if their other competitors, such as Xiaomi who comes in fourth with 11,57% (11.07% in December) and the LG, which, despite having announced the closure of its cell phone factory, still has a share of 5,98% of all or market.

Cellular market share in January in Brazil

With the results for the month of January, the ranking of the 10 largest cell phone manufacturers in Brazil was as follows:

  1. Samsung – 41,98%
  2. Motorola – 22,95%
  3. Apple – 14,11%
  4. Xiaomi – 11,57%
  5. LG – 5,98%
  6. ASUS – 1,31%
  7. Unknown – 0,44%
  8. Huawei – 0,18%
  9. Lenovo – 0,14%
  10. Alcatel – 0,6%

Comparison with the same period last year

Comparing the results of January 2022 with those of January 2021, we can say that little has changed. The cycle seems to have repeated itself, especially with the start of a new year for the generation of dozens of smartphone lines from each manufacturer.

We can say that none of the companies presented such a sharp curve in relation to the results of a year ago. But we can highlight Xiaomi, which in January last year, obtained a share of 9.05% – the smallest since then. This shows that, increasingly, the Chinese has conquered its space in the Brazilian market.

Compare the percentages for both periods:

# Janeiro/2021 % Janeiro/2022 %
1 Samsung 45,59 Samsung 41,98
2 Motorola 21,58 Motorola 22,95
3 Apple 13,42 Apple 14,11
4 Xiaomi 9,05 Xiaomi 11,57
5 LG 6,55 LG 5,98
6 ASUS 1,99 ASUS 1,31
7 Unknown 0,77 Unknown 0,44
8 Lenovo 0,33 Huawei 0,18
9 Huawei 0,29 Lenovo 0,14
10 Alcatel 0,17 Alcatel 0,6

Does the Moto G200 do well in gaming? Watch the video and find out

Source: StatCounter

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