Tag: United

Black Tiger Sex Machine |  A machine powered in the United States
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Black Tiger Sex Machine | A machine powered in the United States

Last October, the Montreal band filled the legendary amphitheater in Red Rocks, Colorado. In February, he will perform at two of the most important electronic music festivals in the world: Ultra Music in Miami and Electric Daisy Carnival in Mexico City. Even in times of pandemic, Black Tiger Sex Machine continues to do admirably well on the fringes of the traditional circuits of the Quebec scene. The Press spoke to him when his third album was released, Once Upon a Time in Cyberworld. Posted yesterday at 1:00 p.m. Emilie Cote The Press ...
Suffering from COVID-19 |  Elton John cancels two concerts in the United States

Suffering from COVID-19 | Elton John cancels two concerts in the United States

Désolé, votre navigateur ne supporte pas les videos (New York) L’icône de la pop Elton John a annoncé mardi sur son compte Instagram avoir été testé positif à la COVID-19 et annuler deux concerts prévus à Dallas, dans le sud des États-Unis, dans le cadre de sa tournée mondiale d’adieu. Publié à 13h07 Mis à jour à 13h25 « J’ai contracté la COVID-19 et je dois donc reprogrammer mes concerts à Dallas », prévus mardi et mercredi, a écrit le chanteur âgé de 74 ans...
United States Southern Border |  Over two million migrants arrested in 2021

United States Southern Border | Over two million migrants arrested in 2021

(Washington) More than two million migrants who entered the United States illegally were arrested at the border with Mexico during the year 2021, according to official statistics, a record level. Posted at 7:02 p.m. More than 180,000 were arrested in December, according to figures released Monday, bringing the annual total to a new high. The Republican Party immediately accused Democratic President Joe Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris of creating a "historic humanitarian crisis". “Under their leadership, cartels and smuggl...
United States Southern Border |  Over two million migrants arrested in 2021

United States Southern Border | More than two million migrant arrests in 2021

(Washington) More than two million arrests of migrants who entered the United States illegally at the border with Mexico took place during the year 2021, according to official statistics, a record high. Posted at 7:02 p.m. Updated at 7:48 p.m. At least in December, 178,840 arrests were counted, according to figures released Monday by the American border guards, thus bringing the annual total to the highest. These figures cumulating the number of arrests at the border, some migrants may have been arrested twice or more during the year 2021. ...
The breakthrough of a transgender swimmer creates controversy in the United States

The breakthrough of a transgender swimmer creates controversy in the United States

Lia Thomas has been performing for months in American university pools. But this transgender swimmer finds herself at the center of a lively controversy, accused of being unfairly advantaged because she was born a man. The controversy, which again raises the delicate question of the place of transgender athletes, has already prompted the NCAA, the organization governing university sport, then USA Swimmings, the American swimming federation, to promise new regulations. All this against the background of an offensive by conservative politicians. "We will ban men from participating in women's competitions," Donald Trump said on January 15 during a meeting in Arizona. Without naming her, but calling her masculine, the former president then pointed to Lia Thomas, a...
United Kingdom: Boris Johnson participated in a party for his birthday in full confinement

United Kingdom: Boris Johnson participated in a party for his birthday in full confinement

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson celebrated his birthday in the company of relatives in full confinement despite the rules in force, the ITV television channel said on Monday, overwhelming the Conservative leader already criticized for parties in Downing Street. • Read also: Boris Johnson on an ejection seat in the face of the rebellion of his majority • Read also: Boris Johnson announces the end of most restrictions in England • Read also: "Partygate": accused of lying, Boris Johnson defends himself According to ITV, Boris Johnson participated in this party organized by his wife Carrie on June 19, 2020 in the afternoon, during the first confinement, when such gatherings were then prohibited. Up to 30 people are said to have attended, including interi...
Ukrainian president urges Europe to stand united against Russia

Ukrainian president urges Europe to stand united against Russia

(Kiev) Ukrainian head of state Volodymyr Zelensky called on the European Union on Monday to remain united against Russia, in an interview with the President of the European Council and after controversial statements by German officials. Posted at 11:00 a.m. Mr Zelensky "stressed that, for Ukraine, it was important to preserve the unity of all EU member countries in protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of his country, against the background for fear of a Russian invasion, according to a press release from the Ukrainian presidency. "Ukraine wi...
United States Home Bound

United States Home Bound

Accused in the United States of having illegally exported to Iran, in 2016, machines that can be used to manufacture nuclear weapons, the Montreal businessman Reza Sarhangpour Kafrani maintains his innocence. • Read also: Exports to Iran cost him his business “There is no proof... there are no documents [qui prouvent] that I made an agreement with Iran," said Reza Sarhangpour Kafrani in an interview with The newspaper. According to him, he did nothing wrong because he only resold material that did not suit his needs. “This material in particular is very common for lab testing,” he explains. Mass spectrometers purchased in the United States in the fall of 2016 are used to test mineral concentrations in water and food, he said. However, the US governm...
Vaccination of 5-11 year olds, the United States saved from bankruptcy, Boris Johnson disavowed … The news of this Wednesday – Liberation

Vaccination of 5-11 year olds, the United States saved from bankruptcy, Boris Johnson disavowed … The news of this Wednesday – Liberation

Find the main news of this December 15.NewsThe time has come... for childhood vaccines. Several European countries - Greece, Spain and Hungary in particular - are launching their vaccination campaign this Wednesday for children aged 5 to 11. Only the Pfizer vaccine is currently authorized for this age group in the European Union, in a weaker version than that given to adults. In France, children “at risk” can also be bitten since today. For the others, it will still have to wait a few weeks.No payment default for the United States. The elected members of the American Congress agreed overnight to raise the debt ceiling of the United States, thus removing the catastrophic threat of a default in payment by the world's leading economic power. There was urgency: the maximum amount of ind...