Moto G200 (888+) vs POCO F3 (870) vs Zenfone 5Z (845)

We looked at three Snapdragon models, the 888+, 870 and 845. Is there so much difference between recent models and one that was released four years ago? We analyzed some benchmark apps like AnTuTu and Geekbench, ran stress tests to monitor temperature and see where the processor spreads its legs. That’s what we’re going to analyze now.

Competitors with these processors are: Moto G200, carrying the Snapdragon 888+, it has 8GB of LPDDR5 RAM. POCO F3 has Snapdragon 870, with 6GB of RAM also DDR5. The Zenfone 5z has Snapdragon 845, the oldest of them, with 6GB of DDR4 RAM.

Snapdragon 888+ has 2.99GHz main core, Snapdragon 870 has 3.2GHz main core. The Snapdragon 845 doesn’t have a stronger core, it has 4 more clocked at 2.7GHz.

Want to see a comparison of these with the Snapdragon processors of the 700 line, comment below which models, I go after to get them.

The video test:

Teste 1: 3DMark Wild Life Stress Test

The 3DMark Wild Life test, it stresses the GPU, graphics processor unit. It renders game scene in real time, the faster the scene runs the better.

The Moto G200 had the best score, it was 5,322 points, the POCO F3 had 4,299 and the Zenfone 5z had 1,450. See that the difference in scores between the two recent ones is big for the Snapdragon 845.

Highlight for the Moto G200 that had the highest score and also temperature variation. There were 26ºC of difference between the beginning of the tests and the end. Point for the G200.

Teste 2: AnTuTu Benchmark

AnTuTu is the most famous test, with it the ranking is measured in various activities, from rendering videos to reading QRCode. It simulates general usage and ultimately generates a score.

The G200 scored 719 thousand points, against 669 thousand points for the Poco F3 and 409 thousand points for the Zenfone 5z. Highlight for the temperature variation of the G200, again, there were 31ºC of difference between the beginning of the process and the end, reaching 50ºC in the external area.

Teste 3: GeekBench

GeekBench tests two ways, a test with the strongest core and a test with multiple cores. It generates values ​​for each of these tests, let’s go to the results.

In single core, the G200 with Snap 888+ had 1,016 points, against 977 for the Poco F3 with Snap 870 and only 524 for the Zenfone 5z with Snap 845. See, the 888+ has a main core with 2.99GHz, against 3.2GHz for the 870. and even then he performed better.

In multi core, it was different. POCO F3 scored 3,310 points, against 2,597 for the G200 and 2,152 for the Zenfone 5z. The intermediate cores of the Snap 870 and Snap 888+ are 3 at 2.42GHz, in both processors.

Single Core is used in most games. Again point for the G200.

Teste 4: CPU Throttling

The fourth and final test is CPU Throttling, this application stresses and heats up the CPU. If the cell phone is able to keep the processor cool, the performance tends to be constant and balanced. Now if the heat is high, the system lowers the processor frequency so that it cools down and doesn’t fry. This is the famous Throttle, and it is this action that, for example, makes your game drop stability and frames, giving those famous crashes.

The result of this performance calculates how many GIPS, Gigabits of instructions per second, that is, how many instructions per second the processor can do, at the moment.

In our tests, the G200 had a maximum of 250 thousand GIPS, against 212 for the POCO F3 and 196 thousand for the Zenfone 5z. But the averages show better what each one can produce during the 10 minutes of tests, in this case we have a variation, with the POCO F3 in first with 198 thousand GIPS on average, against 193 thousand of the G200 and 157 thousand of the Zenfone 5z. Showing that the G200 loses performance by overheating.

Point for POCO F3, our ranking is based on average.


As a result, we can see that the latest generation of processors wins outright, no wonder. On the other hand, we can notice that the Snapdragon 888+ when it is not cooled down enough, it can lose performance to the Snapdragon 870, in the case of the G200, which in our tests was the phone that warmed up the most to date. I’m waiting for the S21 FE with Exynos which also appears to be a deep fryer.

The final result shows that the G200 is the most powerful among them, but if it heats up it will lose in long-term performance to the Poco F3, long-term plays can have better results in the Poco F3.

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