Tag: victim

ECHL |  Jordan Subban is in turn the victim of a racist gesture

ECHL | Jordan Subban is in turn the victim of a racist gesture

Désolé, votre navigateur ne supporte pas les videos Après un incident raciste à l’endroit du Québécois Bokondji Imama dans la Ligue américaine de hockey le 12 janvier dernier, c’est au tour de Jordan Subban d’être victime d’insultes en raison de la couleur de sa peau. Publié à 12h20 Mis à jour à 12h35 Nicholas Richard La Presse Les gestes ont eu lieu samedi, lors d’une partie entre les Sti...
ECHL |  Jordan Subban is in turn the victim of a racist gesture

ECHL | Jordan Subban victim of a seemingly racist gesture

After a racist incident against Quebecer Bokondji Imama in the American Hockey League on January 12, it is Jordan Subban's turn to be the victim of an alleged racist gesture because of the color of his skin. Posted at 12:20 p.m. Updated at 7:45 p.m. The incident took place Saturday, during a game between the South Carolina Stingrays and the Jacksonville Icemen, in the ECHL. After an altercation in the corner of the rink, Icemen defenseman Jacob Panetta taunted the younger Subban brothers by mimicking what looks like a monkey. Obviously, it was enough for...