Tag: functionalities

Instagram announces sticker in poll format with up to 4 alternatives
Entertainment, Latest Posts, Life Style

Instagram announces sticker in poll format with up to 4 alternatives

Instagram has quietly updated its poll sticker for Stories. It is now possible to add up to four answer choices to a poll, thus doubling the answer choices. The information came through social media consultant Meg Coffey on Twitter, where she says she received an alert about new options for polls in Instagram stories. In addition to the ability to increase the number of poll responses, user Hammodoh1 said that it is now possible to change the color of the poll sticker question text. Check it out below. #NewToMe // New poll options for Instagram Stories! Finally we can add more than 3 options… (up to 4)Do you have this yet? pic.twitter.com/w4ZxEfpecl- Meg Coffey (@TexanMeg) January 26, 2022 #Instagram has updated the Poll sticker Now you can change the color of the question 👇🏻 pic.t...