Tag: faces

Ukraine: Moscow faces unprecedented Western sanctions in the event of an “attack”, warns Johnson

Ukraine: Moscow faces unprecedented Western sanctions in the event of an “attack”, warns Johnson

Western leaders have agreed to respond with one voice to a possible "attack" on Ukraine by Russia, by imposing sanctions on Moscow of unprecedented severity, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday. • Read also: Ukraine: Canada withdraws families of diplomatic staff • Read also: Ukraine-Russia: is a war inevitable? • Read also: Russia launches military maneuvers near Ukraine and in annexed Crimea “We have agreed to respond to any attack from Ukraine in unison by imposing coordinated and tough economic sanctions, tougher than we have ever decided before against Russia,” Johnson said, briefing MPs British following a videoconference Monday evening between the United States and its European allies. Russia has deployed tens of thousands of troops...
the faces of shipwreck – Liberation

the faces of shipwreck – Liberation

Migrants, the carnagedossier Maryam Nouri Hamadameen, Husain Tanha, the Rezgar family... Three weeks after the sinking of an inflatable boat which claimed the lives of 27 exiles in the Channel, the Paris prosecutor's office confirmed their identity to the families on Tuesday. On November 24 at Loon-Plage, they boarded an inflatable boat heading for England. Women, children, young adults who hoped that night to live a sweeter life on the other side of the Channel. They never made it: their boat deflated, causing the drowning of at least 27 of them. Three weeks after the sinking, the Paris prosecutor's office confirmed to families on Tuesday the identity of the bodies that were recovered, after a long process. Release traces the course of some of them. Husain Tanha, 24 ans Husai...