how to view stories without being seen

For many people, Instagram Stories have become a crucial part of their lives. In short, it’s about that moment of leisure, when you post about life, or take a peek at other people’s stories, and see what they’re up to.

But what if I told you that it’s possible to watch this, especially the stories, without people knowing you saw it? Many people have wondered if this is really possible. And here in this article, I tell you: it is possible, and there are simple solutions that you can follow, to perform this action.

So, are you interested? So check out, below, ways to keep seeing other people’s Instagram stories, without them finding out that you gave that basic “stalke”. In short, we are going to present you with 3 different options, which include viewing content from your cell phone or computer.

While in one of the options, you can view the story on Instagram directly from the computer, the other versions are intended for those who access it from their cell phone. However, what makes them different is that while in one you can see the stories of someone with a blocked profile, in the other you can see the posts of someone with a public profile.

How to view Instagram stories without being seen on mobile

In short, there are 3 ways to stay “hidden” on Instagram. Below is a brief summary of each. It is worth mentioning that for mobile, there are 2 ways to view stories anonymously: one for when the profile is opened, and another for when it is closed.

1 – Site Anon IG Viewer

If you want to view a story from an open account, you can just access the Anon IG Viewer website (web) through a browser. After that, use the search bar to find the desired profile, and access the list of Stories from the last 24 hours. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the site still allows you to download photos and videos.

2 – Blindstory Application

If the stories you want to see are from a private account, there is the option to download the Blindstory app (Android|iOS) to be able to view the content anonymously. After downloading the app, log in to load your list of followed profiles. Then search for the stories you want to view.

How to view Instagram stories without being seen on PC

You can use the social networking site itself with the Hiddengram extension, available for Google Chrome. Below, check out the step by step to use it:

  1. In the Chrome Web Store, look for the Hiddengram page, and install it in your browser;
  2. Then open Instagram in Chrome, and tap any profile to open Stories. At this point, you will see the extension working in the upper right corner of the screen;
  3. After that, open any story on the platform to view anonymously. The extension icon shows the number of stories seen with the extension;
  4. Furthermore, to disable incognito mode, it is necessary to click on the same icon, and change it to green. This means that the function is not currently being used.

Ready! Now you already know 3 different ways to be able to visualize a story, without other people knowing that you’ve been stalking.

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