Vaccination passport in stores | Resigned customers

Since Monday, customers of big-box stores must present their vaccination passport before entering to shop. On that first day, as they lined up in the cold, consumers who were rummaging through their pockets or purses with their bare hands to pull out their phones and IDs had, for the most part, resigned themselves to follow this new rule.

Posted at 12:34 p.m.
Updated at 12:35 p.m.

Nathaelle Morissette

Nathaelle Morissette
The Press

At the entrance to the Costco store, located in the Central Market, a man, accustomed to the place, had however decided to show his dissatisfaction by shouting at the employee in charge to ask people to prepare their passports. Member of Costco for years, he repeated, the latter said he did not understand why this regulation was imposed. Store officials tried to calm him down. “We are only respecting the law”, he was reminded while asking him to leave the premises. He complied after a few minutes. Police cars were circulating all over the Central Market.


Rouba Fatima Zohra

In the line, the other customers prepared their documents and waited quietly with their basket before being able to enter. Online, Rouba Fatima Zohra, had no problem with the idea of ​​presenting her vaccine passport. However, she had a thought for the poor and unvaccinated people. “My neighbor is an old lady, she hasn’t received her vaccinations, so she asked me to come buy her things. »

Other customers, frozen, walked past us quickly without wanting to comment too much, letting people wait that they “didn’t have much choice” to respect the rules.


All businesses with an area of ​​more than 1,500 square meters, with the exception of supermarkets and pharmacies, must now require the vaccination passport. Last week, the Quebec Hardware and Building Materials Association (AQMAT) said the government was on the wrong track. In a survey, nearly 69% of members said they opposed the imposition of the vaccine passport in their store. The president of the Renaud-Bray group, Blaise Renaud, had also asked the government to exempt the book industry.

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