Teacher shortage: Quebec extends dollars to bring back retirees

The Legault government is launching an offensive to attract more personnel to the field of education. In particular, it plans to perpetuate the financial incentive that was put in place during the pandemic.

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Since it was introduced, this measure has motivated many retired teachers to return to their profession, even if many of them do not do so for the money. It is rather the working conditions offered that are attractive.

“I was not given a full-time job. I was also given another person to teach with me so we really do what we call team teaching (…) we share the task, which means that for me, it was ideal conditions”, declares Renée Richard to explain what convinced her to return to work 15 years after taking her retirement.

Asked whether the financial incentive offered to former retirees creates friction with the youngest who are not entitled to it, Ms. Richard replies: “We haven’t really talked about it. It went very, very well.”


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