Tag: poorer

Billionaires richer men, poorer women

Billionaires richer men, poorer women

According to the Oxfam report, the wealthiest have doubled their fortunes during the pandemic. 252 men own more wealth than the one billion women and girls in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined. "In 19 months of pandemic the fortune of billionaires in the world has increased more than during the last decade" is one of the main data of the latest report from Oxfam International., the NGO which fights against the poverty. Entitled “Inequality kills” this 2022 report, revealed at the world economic summit in Davos, is dizzying. On the one hand, the world's 10 richest men have seen their overall wealth double during the pandemic, following a surge in stock and real estate prices. And since the beginning of the epidemic, the world has had a new billionaire every 26 hours. ...