Tag: owners

“COVID dogs”, a scourge for many owners

“COVID dogs”, a scourge for many owners

Dog adoptions have increased considerably in Quebec during the pandemic, but also the behavioral problems of these companions, nicknamed “COVID dogs”, which are now a source of concern. • Read also: A deconfinement squad to learn to live with the virus Telecommuting has prompted many people to adopt a dog. The dream. What could be better than being at home with your pet that brings so much comfort! However, disenchantment quickly showed up with the return to the office that had been initiated before the appearance of the Omicron variant. “If we do nothing in telework, the dog develops an attachment 24 out of 7. This is his normality. If we disappear, it's abnormal. This can create a feeling of panic. Destruction, elimination, vocalization are the three mai...