Tag: legalization

Twice as much cannabis driving since legalization?

Twice as much cannabis driving since legalization?

The number of Canadians who dare to hit the road after using cannabis has likely doubled since the legalization of marijuana in 2018, suggests data collected by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC). To reach this conclusion, the researchers looked at blood samples taken between 2013 and 2020 from 4,339 drivers who ended up in trauma centers in British Columbia, following a road accident. Researchers found that the percentage of accident motorists who drove with THC levels above the legal limit of 2 nanograms per milliliter of blood rose from 3.8% before legalization to 8.6% after entry into force of the Cannabis Act. Also, 3.5% of drivers hospitalized after an accident since legalization had a THC level of more than 5 nanograms/ml, compared to...