Tag: Impromptu

“Impromptu Hockey” – Josh Anderson

“Impromptu Hockey” – Josh Anderson

Josh Anderson was not a happy man. Late in the second period, he sought to avenge Christian Dvorak by attempting to engage Jared Spurgeon in a fight, but ultimately threw down the gloves against a player who was over his weight in Ryan Hartman. After the match, the Ontarian was still bubbling, having really not liked this match. “You throw it out the window, the video. All the players in this dressing room know that we can play better. It was a long trip. We had just played some good matches. But even when you're tired, you have to find ways to play better. We have abandoned our two goalkeepers. The Wild were circling in offensive territory, it looked like pick-up hockey for most of the game. » – Josh Anderson Dominique Duchar...