Tag: circulation

At least 2,000 illegal firearms in circulation

At least 2,000 illegal firearms in circulation

No less than 2,000 illegal firearms of a frightening variety are in circulation in Montreal at the start of this year when the outbreak of violence continues. • Read also: "It's not safe": the resumption of violence worries in Montreal North • Read also: Two shootings in the same place in 24 hours This is what our Bureau of Investigation was able to learn from well-informed sources in the criminal and police milieu. No wonder the criminal gangs behind the outbreak of shootings that have rocked the metropolis since 2019 can easily obtain them. Again this weekend, three events involving gunshots shook the borough of Montreal North in less than 24 hours. And on January 13, a 17-year-old teenager was shot dead in the middle of the street in Le Plateau-Mont-Roya...